AAPG | Balanced Cross Section Seminar |
American Inter. Pet. Corp. | Colombia Magdalena Basin |
AMOCO | Oklahoma Fold and Thrust Belt, Balanced Cross Sections and California Transpression Field Trip |
Albion International Resources, Inc. | Pakistan and Costa Rica exploration |
ARCO Alaska, Inc. | Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt |
ARCO Oil and Gas Company | California Basins evaluation, Nevada Basin & Range exploration, Utah & Colorado Overthrust exploration, Paradox Basin exploration, California & Nevada Field Seminars |
ARCO International Oil & Gas Company | Pakistan exploration evaluation |
Benton Oil and Gas Company | Colombia Basins evaluation |
CGG | Catedral Field Structure, Mexico |
Chevron USA | California Basins evaluation |
Chevron Overseas | Pakistan exploration evaluation |
CONOCO | Pakistan exploration evaluation; Sulaiman Range evaluation, Pakistan; Balanced Cross Section Seminar and California Transpression Field Trip |
COPECO | Colombia Llanos Basin |
Coplex | Colombia, Catatumbo and Cesar Rancheria Basins |
Esso Resources Canada | British Columbia Thrust Belt |
Ecopetrol | Colombia, Llanos Foothills and Putumayo Basin, Magdalena Basins |
Exxon Exploration Company | Latin America and Caribbean Fold & Thrust Belt, Peru and Bolivia fold belt evaluation |
Exxon Production Research Company | California Field Seminars |
The GHK Company | Oklahoma Fold and Thrust Belt, China, Colombia (Magdalena basin) |
Garnet Energy Resources | Colombia, Putumayo Basin |
Gulfsands Petreoleum Inc | Colombia, Magdalena Basin |
Harken Oil and Gas Company | Colombia, Magdalena Basin |
Hocal | Colombia, Magdalena Basin |
Hondo Oil and Gas Company | Colombia, Magdalena Basin |
Hunt Oil Company | California Basins evaluation, Balanced Cross Section Seminar |
Indonesian Geological Association | Balanced Cross Section Seminar |
Jupiter Exploration Inc. | Pakistan, California Basins |
Kuwait Oil Company | Balanced Cross Section Seminar |
LASMO Oil Ltd. (Colombia) | Colombia, Magdalena and Llanos Basins |
Maxus Energy | California Basins, Balanced Cross Section Seminar |
Meridian | California Basins and San Joaquin Basin Seminar |
Mitchell Energy Corporation | Oklahoma Fold and Thrust Belt, Colorado Overthrust |
Mobil Exploration and Producing U.S. | California Basins, west side San Joaquin Basin Study |
Mobil Oil Indonesia | Irian Jaya |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | Northridge Earthquake 1994 |
Oil & Gas Development Corp. Pakistan | Balanced Cross Section Seminars |
PEMEX | Balanced Cross Section Seminars, Campeche Bay and Chiapas Fold Belt |
PGS Reservoir | Motatan Field, Venezuela |
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) | Kohat & Potwar Basins |
Santa Fe Energy Resources | California Basins evaluation, Midway-Sunset Field StucturalStudy, California Field Seminar |
Seven Seas Petroleum | Turkey, Jordon, and Colombia evaluations, Papuan foreland basin study and PPL 182(PNG) |
Stone Exploration Inc. | California Basins |
So. Calif. Earthquake Center | Earthquake Hazards Research |
Texaco | Colombia-Fold and Thrust Belt |
United Meridian Corporation (UMC) | Chittagong Hill Tracts Fold Belt, Bangladesh |
United States Geological Survey | Earthquake Hazard Research |
United States Bureau of Reclamation | Earthquake Hazard Research |
Vastar Resources, Inc. | Northeastern Nevada exploration |
Weyerhaeuser Company | Oklahoma Fold and Thrust Belt |