Who We Are
We are petroleum geologists with a strong background in
complex structures and fold and thrust belt exploration. We have performed a broad range
of exploration tasks worldwide for numerous energy companies and related government
agencies. These tasks include making geologic maps from Landsat and other remote sensing
data sets, construction of balanced cross sections, seismic interpretation, subsurface
mapping and trap identification, fold and thrust belt petroleum system analysis, and
structural field work. Davis and Namsons goal is to generate valid and testable
products that a client can use to find economic accumulations of oil and gas. Davis and
Namson can do specific tasks or multi-task projects that are easily integrated into a
broader exploration program. Drilling resulting in both economic and geologic successes
has tested much of our work. Davis and Namson Consulting Geologists have been in business
for over 11 years and the principals: Thom Davis and Jay Namson each have over 20 years
experience in petroleum exploration and have published extensively on fold and thrust belt